Depth Typology.

Building Blocks of Personality! Learn about a more vivid, more accurate understanding of our cognitive modes of operating based on the eight described function-attitudes.

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Depth Typology: C. G. Jung, Isabel Myers, John Beebe and The Guide Map to Becoming Who We Are.

Hunziker has created a detailed work explaining John Beebe’s type model and how it works. Hunziker describes the context for the model as well—its theoretical foundations and how it fits with modern scientific knowledge and our evolving understanding of personality, as well as the current psycho-socio-political need for such an advancement in understanding ourselves. 

These new insights broaden the scope of psychological type and dramatically enhance its usefulness in a multitude of arenas. The insights enable anyone to better navigate their unique path of personal growth and understand and manage their deepest psychological challenges. Understanding how all of the mental processes of type and their associated emotional energies influence our perceptions, interactions, and choices can enable us to live happier and more successful and fulfilling lives.

Type professionals, depth psychologists, and laypeople alike can use this powerful tool for maximizing individual potential, fostering better relationships, elevating teamwork, and defusing conflict.

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Available in  E-book and Softcover formats!



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"Donec at ullamcorper leo. Donec facilisis lobortis neque at feugiat. Aenean nec bibendum tortor, at euismod felis. Praesent porta velit non velit mattis, eu condimentum nisl sagittis. Vivamus faucibus nunc et commodo commodo. Suspendisse faucibus risus sapien, sit amet vulputate odio laoreet blandit."

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